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s1 03 Polly Parrot


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Polly Parrot

Peppa and her family

are visiting Granny Pig and
Grandpa Pig.

Granny Pig!
Grandpa Pig!

Ganggy lg!
Baba lg!

Hello, my little ones. Come inside,

We have a surprise.

What is it?

We have a new pet.

Can you guess what it is?



it's not a dinosaur.
Come and see.

Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig
have a pet parrot.

Peppa, George,
this is our pet parrot.

She's called Polly.
Pretty Polly.

Pretty Polly.

Oooh. WoW.

I'm a clever parrot.

I'm a clever parrot.

Mummy, Why does Polly

copy everything that Granny says?

That's what parrots do.
I'll show you.

Hello, Polly.

Hello, Polly.

What a sweet little parrot!

What a sweet little parrot!

Come on, everyone, teatime!

Peppa, George. Come on!

There's chocolate cake!

Coming, Granny!

Peppa and George love eating
chocolate cake.

But today, they are in a hurry

to get back and play
with Polly Parrot.


What noisy little ones you are!

Granny, please, can we leave the table

and go and see Polly Parrot?

Are sure you've completely
finished your cake?

Off you go, then.


George, say something to Polly.

George is a little bit shy.



Peppa and George are really enjoying

playing with Polly Parrot.

I'm Peppa Pig!

I'm Peppa Pig!

George, say something.

Peppa and George are
pretending to be parrots.

I'm Polly Parrot,

Peppa is thinking of something else

to say to Polly Parrot.

I'm a noisy parrot!

I'm a noisy parrot!

Peppa, George,

have you been playing with Polly?

Yes, Granny.

Polly is such a sweet parrot.

Yes, Granny.

I'm a clever parrot.

I'm a noisy parrot!

I'm a noisy parrot!


Oh, my Word!

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.


hello [hə'ləʊ] n. 表示问候, 惊奇或唤起注意时的用语 int. 喂;哈罗 n. (Hello)人名;(法)埃洛 {zk gk :2238}

cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额 vt. 使结块 vi. 结成块状 n. (Cake)人名;(英)凯克;(塞)察凯 {zk gk cet4 ky :2309}

chocolate [ˈtʃɒklət] n. 巧克力,巧克力糖;巧克力色 adj. 巧克力色的;巧克力口味的 n. (Chocolate)人名;(葡)绍科拉特 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :2636}

pretending [prɪ'tendɪŋ] v. 假装;伪装(pretend的现在分词) adj. 伪称的;乔饰的 { :2885}

clever [ˈklevə(r)] adj. 聪明的;机灵的;熟练的 [ 比较级cleverer 最高级 cleverest ] {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :3025}

hurry [ˈhʌri] n. 匆忙,急忙 v. 仓促(做某事);催促;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理 n. (英)赫里(人名) {zk gk :3065}

pet [pet] n. 宠物;生气;受宠爱的人 adj. 宠爱的 vt. 宠爱 vi. 生气;爱抚 n. (Pet)人名;(俄)佩特;(柬)贝 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3278}

wow [waʊ] n. 极大的成功;一鸣惊人之举;魔兽世界(World of Warcraft);失真 int. (表示极大的惊奇或钦佩)哇,呀 { :3774}

shy [ʃaɪ] n. 投掷;惊跳 adj. 害羞的;畏缩的,胆怯的 vi. 投;畏缩;惊退;厌恶 vt. 投;乱掷 n. (Shy)人名;(英)夏伊 {zk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4407}

noisy [ˈnɔɪzi] adj. .嘈杂的;喧闹的;聒噪的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5244}

dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəsɔ:(r)] n. 恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物 {gk toefl :5326}

polly [ˈpɔli] n. 波莉(女子名,等于Mary);鹦哥(鹦鹉的通称,等于poll parrot) { :6296}

parrot [ˈpærət] n. 鹦鹉;学舌者,应声虫;机械模仿别人的人 vt. 机械地模仿 n. (Parrot)人名;(英、俄、葡)帕罗特;(法)帕罗 {gk toefl :8676}

parrots [ˈpærəts] n. 鹦鹉( parrot的名词复数 ); 应声虫,学舌者 v. 机械地重复( parrot的第三人称单数 ); 鹦鹉学舌 { :8676}

teatime [ˈti:taɪm] n. 午后喝茶时间(一般在下午5时左右) { :19618}

baba [ˈbɑ:bɑ:] n. 兰姆糕 n. (Baba)人名;(日)马场(姓);(斐)姆巴姆巴;(几、尼日利、塞内、加纳、马里、冈、土、罗、捷、布基、阿拉伯)巴巴 { :27168}

hurray [hʊˈreɪ] n. 万岁呼声;狂热 n. (Hurray)人名;(匈)胡劳伊 vt. 向…欢呼(等于hurrah) int. 加油 vi. 欢呼 { :34628}

lg [ ] abbr. 水平规, 水准仪(Level Gauge );直线发生器, 矢量发生器(Line Generator) { :45728}

ohh [ ] int. 噢;哦

oooh [ ] [网络] 噢;喔喔;呜

a sweet [ ] [网络] 糖果;一道甜点

chocolate cake [ˈtʃɔkəlit keik] un. 巧克力大蛋糕 [网络] 巧克力蛋糕;朱古力蛋糕;浓情朱古力冻饼

come inside [ ] vt.进...里面

guess what [ ] [网络] 猜猜看;你猜怎么着;猜怎么了

in a hurry [in ə ˈhʌri] na. 匆忙;〈口〉容易地;急于要;〔口语〕愿意地 [网络] 匆忙地;立即;匆匆忙忙

Polly Parrot [ ] [网络] 波丽鹦鹉;波丽鹦鹉波丽鹦鹉

pretend to [priˈtend tu:] v. 假装;妄想 [网络] 假装做;自称具有;他总是装聋

pretend to be [priˈtend tu: bi:] [网络] 冒充;假装是;假充

Pretty Polly [ ] [网络] 星加坡之恋,空留回忆;漂亮的波莉;丝宝图片之

i'm a clever parrot
i'm a noisy parrot
i'm peppa pig

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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